
Sunday, January 27, 2013

update and moving news

Dear reader,

I am sorry that I haven`t written here recently. There are distractions. I am busy in the workshop with packing and home renovations rather than projects.

I must move. My partner of 32 years and I have decided to split. We will sell our home so I must relocate myself and george`s workshop. Not fun. There are boxes everywhere.

We have given ourselves until spring to get the house ready for sale and to organize our stuff. The kids are grown so the family is going separate ways hopefully on good terms. By fall 2013 I will be settled somewhere in a new place, perhaps Lion's Head, Ontario?

On a brighter note, I am learning some new tools to improve my notes here. For example, I have not posted much video and I intend to change that.

There were reasons. My current rural location has limited internet bandwidth. The old Canon Optura camera was SD only and used DV tape so it was a slow process. The main work computer was acting up and getting slow. Even though I'd spent much of the last twenty years helping people to make video, it had become difficult to do it for myself. My tools were woefully outdated.

I am getting back into video to better show my own work to you. I intend to redouble my efforts on the web and to my writing.

I hope to move to a small community where hard wired internet is available. I have new camera, a Canon G15 which shoots HD 1080p very nicely. Also, I have added a new old computer, a Dell Optiflex with four cores running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

My new home will accommodate my projects. There is a lot of work to do and to tell you about moving forward as they say.

For a sample of my Canon G12 1080p HD tests, please see this video preview. The video is not very exciting. I am showing the playback of a Zoom H4n recorder which I am also learning for upcoming projects.

In the video what you hear is captured by the Canon G15 as playback sound from the H4n bouncing off the table top. The speaker on the H4n is about 3cm in diameter and is on the back (bottom) of the device. It sounds like a telephone compared to the next two.

This is the same audio but as captured by the H4n and another sample showing the stereo image. These are the sort of tools that I hope to be using to tell you about upcoming work.

Thank you as always for your interest and support.

Please consider buying my book. Your support helps the work. I will have another (the Gen2 version) out next year once I get settled.

George Plhak